Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 47. Esperance

Hair today, gone tomorrow...

Bugger! Another wet morning. Mmmmm, at least Scarlett slept in until 7:15am. I think she is finally starting to get use to the new time zone - yah!

Martha Stewart - Oops I mean Bec, cooked up another storm of a brekkie that had both Scarlett and me wedged in under the table when it was time to move! Thanks babe, we love you!

As it was another wet day, Bec decided to go do a load of grocery shopping so that it wouldn't wreck a sunny day when it finally comes, and Scarlett and I took off to the 'Bay of Islands Leisure Centre', that has a number of indoor heated pools that we thought needed further investigating. Needless to say that Bec had to come and drag us out a few hours later...

Rebecca surprised us with a new look today - a short haircut! She looks great, and I'm sure Bec will find it much more manageable travelling in the caravan. Even Scarlett said it looks good, but isn't convinced that the look will suit her. She's such a fashion queen!

Bec also stopped off at the Junk Art Exhibition and Auction today here in Esperance. Its part of the 'Festival of the Wind 2011' that started today. There's heaps on this weekend, and we plan on going to a few shows and exhibits over the next couple of days.

This afternoon, we had a sneak peak at what the weather can be like when the rain and clouds disappear. We had a couple of hours of beautiful sunshine and enjoyed the experience by playing in the kids playground here at the caravan park, and I even had a chance to set up the satellite dish so Bec can catch up on her TV shows. (Not to mention that the V8 Supercars are on at the Clipsal 500 this weekend).

Unfortunately the weather turned dark and overcast before it started drizzling again. Hopefully tomorrow it will be brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Fingers crossed.

We finished the day with a walk out on the Tanker Jetty where we ran into 'Sammy' the Australian Sea Lion. This guy is a local and is pretty much guaranteed to be at the Jetty on most days. We went over a little late, and it was already dark, so the photo's aren't the best, but I'm sure Scarlett will drag us back during the day to get a better look at this very friendly Sea Lion!


The city lights at night were amazing, and the rain held off long enough to enjoy the fresh night air. It certainly beat sitting back in the caravan!


  1. Have missed your postings the past week, being away at the van, but caught up as soon as I walked in the door.Love the photos and commentary, you are both doing a great job. Got very teary when I saw Scarlett decorating my bed for me, We miss you all terribly.Looking foreward to Perth, love Mum and Dad.

  2. Your blog continues to be a wonderful, required read each day!!!! Can't think of any improvements you could make. You will be glad to know that the rain has continued on over you and now it is our turn!!! Love the new haircut Bec. Love Liane and Andrew
