Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 72. Margaret River

A day of delights...

This morning was a casual morning, as we woke to more showers. We decided that all three families would go there own ways and explore the Margaret River region today, and then meet up at the end of the day around the campfire to tell our tales...

Margaret River
We were on the road by mid morning, and went into the township of Margaret River itself to check out the local shops. The main road is full of all types of shops; from brick-a-brack and home wares, to gifts and sports ware. It reminds me a lot of Tamborine Mountain in South East QLD. Everyone is very friendly, and it was a delight to explore what hidden gems could be discovered in this laid back town. At one point, we walked into one particular shop and found Paul, Megan and the kids inside; only to step out side and run into Jace, Jo and their kids! Its a small world!
Scarlett at the playground
  By this time it was almost lunchtime, so Bec, Scarlett and myself visited the local park to enjoy our lunch. As we discovered it also has a great kids playground and outdoor gym area, and Scarlett had a ball trying out all the equipment.

Just north of Margaret River is 'Cowaramup'. For a small town, this place has a lot to offer. We visited the 'Candy Cow'; where Bec enjoyed the delights of all the different fudge flavours made on site. Scarlett was intrigued by the all-day lollipops and sour sherbet carousel, where she indulged in about a dozen types of flavours ranging from strawberry to sour lemonade. She was in heaven. By the time we left, both Bec and Scarlett's arms were full, and my wallet felt remarkably lighter!

Bec, Scarlett, and the Candy Cow

We had to visit the Margaret River Regional River Wine Centre, which was literally straight across the road. Bec enjoyed a 'few' wine tastings before buying three bottles of local 'produce'. We also received some great advice on what wineries to visit, so we packed our maps and headed off to try a few more drops of what this region is famous for!

On the way out of town, we stopped in on a 'fairy gemstone' shop, and before I knew what was happening Scarlett was walking out the door with a beautifully wrapped 'package' with another crystal gem hidden within for her ever increasing collection.

Next Bec had me stop at the 'Howling Wolves Winery'; she just loved the labels this winery has on its bottles! A few more 'tastings', and we left with another couple of bottles of Moscato tucked firmly in Becs arms! She was having a ball!

Just down the road was the 'Margaret River Nuts and Cereal Co.', where we briefly paused and tried there fair of 'nuts'. I must say that both Bec and I were impressed, and left with a packet of Sweet Chilli Thai peanuts. Yummy!

Jace and me at the Cowaramup Brewing Company
I thought Bec was starting to have too much of a good time, so I called Jace and organised to meet him and his family at the 'Cowaramup Brewing Company', so that us boys could sample a few more of the local boutique beers on offer. We both indulged in another 'paddle' of five sample beers each, while watching the kids play.

It was starting to get late, so we headed back to 'Big River Campgrounds' and got the BBQ ready for another dinner at the communal camp kitchen. Here, we all caught up on each others daily activities over dinner, before lighting the campfire and watching the kids cook marshmallows over the coals.

The kids

Tonight the skies are clear and cold, so lets hope tomorrow brings better weather!

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