Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 66. Parry's Beach

A day spent with new friends

This morning was very relaxing. Even Scarlett didn’t wake until about 8:10am. The morning was spent relaxing by the van and doing very little…

At about 10:30am, Scarlett wanted to visit her new playmates, so Bec took her down to see if it was OK with the other two families we have hooked up with. I decided to do a little housework while they were gone, which suited me just fine, as I had the van to myself – finally some peace and quiet.
Bec was gone for ages, so I assumed she must of stayed there and got talking – as girls do, but before I know what is happening both Bec and Scarlett are back and giving orders and getting changed. We are apparently off to ‘Greens Pool’ for a swim!

The next 10 minutes is bedlam. There’s Scarlett getting changed into swimmers, Bec making lunches and snacks ready for a day out, and me doing what I’m told to do!

(What happened to the peace and quiet I was experiencing only moments earlier?)

Elephant Rocks

We pack the car and jump in for a quick 15 minute ride to the choice of location, however we decide to check out ‘Elephant Rocks’, another quiet hideaway just around the corner from ‘Greens Pool’.

A short walk later and we arrive.

From a distance and with a little imagination you can see how this place got its name. The water is crystal clear, and the rocks huge. If we hadn’t arranged to meet our friends at ‘Greens Pool’, I’m sure we would have tried a little bit of snorkelling here.

Greens Pool

We finally tear ourselves away and head for ‘Greens Pool’ which is on the other side of the headland. We arrive and gear up, and before we know it Scarlett is playing with the other kids and Bec and I take the opportunity to go snorkelling together by ourselves – something we don't get enoughg time to do anymore since we hit the road.

The snorkelling is great, and we see lots of marine life. There are puffer fish, huge catfish, trevally and garfish. We were hoping to see some stingrays or weedy sea dragons; but today isn’t our day. We return to the beach, and have some lunch while talking to our new friends.

We get chatting and learn that we are all heading the same way so we decide that we will travel together for a few days as the kids are interacting really well. I think it’s good for all of us, as it’s nice to just sit back and talk to other like minded adults while the kids are playing. Bliss!

On the way back, Bec and Scarlett talk me into stopping at a local produce farm where they make their own toffee and icecream. (Like that was ever going to be hard - really). The icecream was devine, and I almost wish we weren't leaving so I could go back! Yummy!
Yummy icecream!

We return to the van and start cleaning our gear. We even do a quick clean up around the outside of the van as the weather has turned a little grey and the wind has picked up and there are spits of rain. I take the opportunity to pack away some of the gear and furniture to make our departure tomorrow flow easier.

As there is a total fire ban due to the weather change, I bag up two full bags of freshly bought timber to be used another time during our travels. It’s now all snugly secured on the roof rack, ready to be used when we break out our camp oven for a great stew or roast when free camping in the not too distant future.

Mmm… Roast…

posted by Shane

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a great time! Keep the posts coming it's a good read and the photos are amazing.
