Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 69. Quinninup (Pemberton)

Jenga, Jenga, Jenga

Scarlett and Grace playing barbie's
 What a cold night, we were so cold last night it got down to 3 deg. I have given Scarlett my blanket and didn’t think there were anymore, so Shane and I just snuggled up and tried to stay warm. This morning we are washing the sheets and putting on the flannelettes, as we’re not used to this cold weather. Thank goodness in the process we found some more blankets I forgot we packed, and Shane has changed and remade all the beds with them. It should be a lot better tonight.
After doing some washing, changing the beds and baking a date loaf, we decided being 1pm we should head out and do some sightseeing, before the day was gone. We started at the visitor information centre; also the home of the ‘Karri Discovery Centre’. We were very disappointed to find it was closed for renovations. The kids however found a colouring-in table and sat there for ages, while the guys took advantage of the internet coverage in town, they checked their emails and Shane uploaded the blog (a day late).
Jo and I were keen to go to the ‘Knights Winery’ next, as they do a huge range of flavours in liqueurs and schnapps. There were so many types we tried a few; blueberry, strawberry, mocha, choc mint, coffee, to name a couple, I ended up purchasing a butterscotch liqueur, it was soooo yummy!
After a quick stop at the IGA it was back to the camp to prepare an early BBQ. Because of last night’s cold weather, and getting in so late, we wanted to have an early tea for the kids tonight. Dinner was lovely, heaps of veg and meat done on the BBQ, and we three girls each made a salad. Thank goodness it wasn’t as cold as last night, however it’s still quite chilly and the jackets were all out.
We threw the kids into the shower, and then into their PJ’s. They all then jumped into my bed to watch a movie. We set some tables up outside and cracked open the new liqueurs and started to chat. Jo brought over “Jenga” and the fun started. What a funny game! The looks of concentration on each of our faces, and the total surprise when the thing didn’t fall after some of the most hair raising moves, was priceless.
All the kids in my bed watching a movie
Megan pulled out a chocolate fondue set she and Paul got at Parry’s Beach. We melted the chocolate and dipped chilli choc toffee, very decadent for camping I can tell you. We sat around playing Jenga, laughing and drinking for way too long. My liqueur is all gone, and I know tomorrow I will be sore and sorry, but what a great night!
Jo, Paul, Shane and Jace

Me and Megan

Shane and Jace

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