Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 22. Claire to Port Augusta

Good weather at last

I enjoyed a really nice morning with Scarlett walking around the caravan park. It's a pretty park, and we checked out the playground and the emu's next door in the fauna park before dad came along with caravan in tow looking for us to move on.

First stop, and pity it was so early, was 'Annie's Lane' winery. This winery is in a beautiful old stone building and the grounds were immaculate, it would make a lovely wedding venue. I didn't taste or purchase any wines (much to my mothers disgust) but wandered around the cellar door and gardens. Scarlett stayed in the car watching her DVD, so I found it very peaceful indeed.

Annie's Lane

We drove on to Blyth next to check out a local artist's gallery 'Ian Roberts'. Ian specialises in native flora and fauna especially birds, his work was amazing. The gallery was in a beautiful old converted stone church, it must be over 100 years old. If we had the money I would have purchased a wonderful Kookaburra print, or maybe the Magpie print, nah the Splendid Wren's print, OMG they were all so good there was no way to pick just one, and that was the problem. We were lucky enough to see Ian actually painting, he was doing a piece on eucalyptus blossoms, soooo pretty.

Splendid Wrens on Eucalyptus

A Proud Dad

It was a big drive (Scarlett and I both had a sleep) on to Port Augusta (approx 2.5hrs). We stopped at the Wadlata Outback Centre once we reached our destination - where Scarlett and Shane went through the 'Outback's tunnel of time'. There was over 30 interactive exhibits exploring the discovery of the Flinders Ranges and the pioneering of South Australia. It was very informative and interesting. Scarlett had a good time trying out the morse code machine, the pedal generator so she could listen to the radio, sorting out the old telephone switch board, and driving simulator earth moving trucks. I spent the afternoon in Coles doing a much needed food shop, I know boring.

Scarlett organising the bush telegraph

We are at another Top Tourist Park tonight and it's on the shore of the Spencer Gulf. After a yummy BBQ dinner we went for a nice walk along the water. We checked out the sand dunes, with Scarlett following all the animal foot prints. It is a lovely evening, not too hot, not raining and not too cold, finally good weather at last.


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