Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 280. Gladstone

Fun, friends and good food

Scarlett and Dane
Scarlett and I had a little sleep in today; poor Shane was sitting in the dark reading 'till we rose at 8am. After a leisurely breakfast we called into the shops to grab a BBQ chook for lunch, and then made our way back over to Shane's friends - Jeff and Amanda's house.

We received another lovely warm welcome, and the kettle was boiling and the biscuits out before you could say 'two sugers or one?'. Shane had brought over our laptop and was excited to show Amanda all his genealogy research he has done on his family. Amanda is right into that sort of thing, so they had a great time diving into all the information for hours....

After lunch we decided to take the kids down to the beach for a swim. We are finally free of the crocs and stingers, so Scarlett was so excited to jump straight in. we did have a quick swim back at Magnetic Island, but before that it was way back up at Cape Levique (above Broome).

Keelie, Scarlett and Dane enjoying the water

It was great to just kick back on the beach and watch the kids play in the waves. Jeff and Amanda are so easy to just hang out with and chat. We also let the kids have a run in the park before we headed off for home, and they all loved Jeff pushing them off on the flying fox.

Jeff, Amanda and Shane soaking in the rays

Keelie and Scarlett
When we got back, Jeff got straight into the kitchen and whipped up a 'baked dinner'. We had silverside and roasted veggies; a real treat for us I can tell you. He is amazing in the kitchen and Amanda's left over apple crumble from last night went down just as well as it did last night... yummy!

It was a sad goodbye, as we have really connected and if we lived closer I could see the weekend BBQ's being a regular event. They are a beautiful family, and we will miss them terribly.

Until we see you all again, take care and we will see you later!

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