Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 271. Airlie Beach

Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary!

The day that changed my life forever....
I remember it well.... It was a slightly grey and 'drizzly' spring day at 'Belgenny Farm', NSW. I had to make what would probably be my last big decision as a single man; What to do.... to try and wait out the weather and continue with the garden wedding as planned, or to move everything inside the 'Granary' where we were to have our reception later that afternoon... It was a hard call, as I knew how much Bec wanted her garden wedding, but with only minutes before the ceremony was to begin, I made the big 'D'. With the help of my two groomsmen, I quickly moved the red carpet, flower arrangements and musicians inside the 'Granary'. The guests were already here, enjoying watching our last minute 'preparations' while sipping on an icy cold beer from the bar. We had just finished moving everything, and the convoy of utes made an appearance. This was it. We had literally just repositioned the last bouquet of flowers and then my beautiful bride was walking down the isle towards me. She took my breath away, I knew then and there that my life would never be the same again. I was in for the ride of my life!

5 years on, and we're living life to the fullest! We find ourselves on the final leg of our journey travelling and exploring this wonderful land we call Australia. Not only are we looking back at what we have already achieved as a family over the last 10 months on the road, but it's a time to reflect on what we have achieved in the last 5 years since that memorable and life changing day back at Belgenny Farm. I wouldn't change a thing, as I have loved every minute of our life together!

Today we all slept in to almost 8am, and when we did finally stir we rolled over and wished each other another Happy Anniversary. Scarlett soon joined us, and was very excited when she saw that Bec and I had cards and presents for each other. Bec  received a mega 5 block of Fruit and Nut cadbury chocolate (and the latest 'Famous' magazine), while I got a LEGO helicopter - much to Scarlett's delight!

A self portrait as we walked around Airlie Beach today
We had a relaxing morning just lazing about the van, before our mates Andrea and Dave offered to look after Scarlett for a while - so that we could disappear and enjoy a romantic lunch together! We jumped at the chance, and were soon sitting on a balcony at the Whitsunday Sailing Club overlooking the tranquil waters of the Whitsunday Passage. The ambiance was perfect, so we enjoyed a quiet drink together and what would have to be the most amazingly tasty and fresh seafood we have ever experienced. It's something we will never forget! Thanks Andrea and Dave....

Although we never wanted the experience to end, we soon returned back to the van to find Scarlett swimming with Sarah, Lucy, and Isabelle over at the pool under the watchful eye of Andrea and Dave. It was if we had never left, as everyone was having a great time.

Scarlett and Bella going for one last ride....

Later that afternoon, Bella hired a bike/go-kart, and she and Scarlett spent some time riding and exploring the park together. This would be their last opportunity to play as Gary, Rebeca, Bella and  Bailey are leaving early tomorrow morning and heading off to Yepoon for a couple of days. We'll be sad to see them go as we have made a lasting friendship, but I have no doubt we will meet up again back in Sydney next year as we will both be living in Australia's largest city.

After the kids had gone to bed, Gary and Rebeca came over for a couple of drinks, and we talked the night away until it was almost midnight. It was then that we reluctantly said goodnight, but we had the best time sharing our stories together....

Bloody windscreen!
Oh yes, I almost forgot. The windscreen drama continues as during the day our star crack decided to grow 'just a bit'. I've decided it won't make the journey home and have started to find someone who can replace it for us. Luckily I found a business in Gladstone who can do the job for me and at a reasonable price. We now just have to make it there....

Lastly, Happy Anniversary Bec!

I admit we have had some hard times, but we've always risen to the occasion and kept our head above water. The last 5 years have been a roll-a-coaster of a ride, but I'm glad I've had you by my side along the way. Thank you. And thank you for making me stick to our dream of travelling Australia together. It's been an amazing experience that I know has enriched both our lives. I love you....

Rebecca, Scarlett and Shane on our wedding day..... 5 years ago to the day.

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