Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 270. Airlie Beach

Happy Birthday Gary!

Today was Bella's father's birthday. He's 41 so we got him a small card and pen as a gift, and walked over early to all sing 'Happy Birthday'. Rebeca (his wife) suggested we all have a BBQ together this evening to help celebrate, which sounded great.

Our good friends we met back at Mission Beach; Dave, and Andrea, with their three beautiful girls Sarah, Lucy and Isabelle are all arriving in Airlie Beach today also. Scarlett is so excited to see all the girls again, and we got on really well with their parents also, so it will be good to catch up with them too.

When the 3 x girls arrived, I took them along with Scarlett and Bella over to the pool for a swim - giving Andrea and Dave a chance to get their camper-trailer set up in peace. The girls all had a great time swimming and going down the water slides.

Sarah, Scarlett, Lucy, Isabelle and Bella all doing craft outside our van

This afternoon I went into Woolworth's with Bec to grab some last minute supplies for Gary's Birthday BBQ this evening, as everyone is meeting up behind our van at the camp kitchen to have dinner and celebrate. It will also be great to have our newly arrived friends join us.

The girls all eating popcorn, and watching a movie

We had a great evening, the BBQ was huge with all three families bringing a lovely huge salad to share. We had Birthday cake, the kids watched movies under our awning, and we sat around having a few drinks while all enjoying each others company late into the evening. It was a great day, and a great way to finish off the evening!

Happy Birthday Gary

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