Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 272. Airlie Beach

Good bye Bella and family

Scarlett and Bella straight out of bed
Today Bella and her family are moving on. She and Scarlett have formed quite a close bond over the last few days, and we promised both the girls we would catch up again back in Sydney. Bella made Scarlett a lovely good bye card, and Scarlett gave Bella some small trinkets to remember her by.

Me and Bec (Bella's mum)

We decided to head down to 'The Lagoon' on the esplanade this morning before it heated up, and let the kids go for a swim. Dave, Andrea and the three girls came along, and we all brought some lunch with us. The esplanade is beautiful and so clean. It was so nice compared to the one at Townsville, which unfortunately we didn't really enjoy at all. There are even life guards walking around watching the kids, which was great.

The Lagoon on the Esplanade

After lunch we headed back to the van park so the kids could all attend 'kids club'. They didn't need to be picked up for an 2.5 hours, so we (the parents) decided to take full advantage and make a bee-line straight to the sailing club for a couple of quite ales. The ambiance was wonderful, as we sat out on the deck overlooking the Whitsundays magical view.

'Unfortunately' we did have to return and pick the kids up, so it was back to reality and straight into the pool. We met another family today that turns out we missed by one day back at Coober Pedy. The were travelling with another family we did meet there. It's such a small country....

After dinner it was over to the outdoor movie screen for 'Shrek: Forever After', The kids really enjoyed the movie while us adults sat back and talked over a wine or two.

View from the Sailing Club

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