Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 109. Carnarvon

Food..... and rest.....

Today was another quiet day on our ongoing journey of discovery across Australia.

It's been great having not to worry about having to be somewhere or do something. We have just been sitting back and relaxing.

This morning was spent doing some basic daily chores (i.e. washing, cleaning etc), reading books/magazines, and doing craft or playing games with Scarlett.

We organised to meet up with our friends the Piggott's for lunch at the 'River Gums Cafe',but turned up early to enjoy fresh Mango and Banana Smoothies. As everything is grown on the premises; the fruit couldn't be any fresher, and I must say you can certainly taste the difference. They were absolutely beautiful, and Bec wanted to go back for seconds. If it wasn't for the arrival of our friends, I'm sure she would've ordered another.
The kids playing and collecting flowers at the Cafe

Scarlett down at the 'Gasgoyne River'
We grown-ups ended up having 3 x "River Burgers" for lunch, and Scarlett had a yummy toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Like the smoothies; they were fantastically fresh and 'lite'. Yummy! We devoured our burgers in no time at all, and ended up ordering 'dessert'. Bec had a sticky date pudding with both cream and ice-cream, and I savoured the delights of a local banana split! Wendy was on her best behaviour and didn't order anything else, but I see from the look on her face (and the drool on her chin), that she was having second thoughts.

After lunch we dropped Wendy and Scarlett off back at the caravan, while Bec dragged me kicking and screaming back into Carnarvon to do some last minute shopping. Tomorrow we head further north and leave for Coral Bay - our next destination, so Bec wanted to 'top up' our supplies.

That white dot above the dish is the 'Endeavour'

 I then washed the Pajero while Bec cooked dinner - a chicken stir fry! To say it was great just doesn't do it justice. During dinner (that we enjoyed outside watching another great Western Australian sunset), one of our caravan neighbours pointed to the sky and called out "There it is!" He was pointing out to the east, and there it was; the space shuttle 'Endeavour". I can't believe we were lucky enough to see the space shuttle pass overhead again. I think Bec got a great photo of it as it passed over the OTC dish.

Afterwards I discovered that she also baked a zucchini slice in the caravans' oven and it was cooked to perfection! Bec has certainly got cooking in the van down to a fine art. (I'm so spoilt).

Today has definitely been about food and rest. These two things would have to up there with my favourite past-times right now. Food....... and rest.......

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