Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 157. Kununurra

Kings in Grass Castles

It's warming up and we are starting to feel it! Last night was a warm 'tropical' night, and I think we didn't even climb under our sheets until about 3am this morning. We woke to a bright, clear and beautiful BLUE sky, and to the sound of Zebra and Double-Bar Finches socializing outside our caravan. That was a nice change to the calls of Crows or Corella's that we have been waking up to over the last week or so.

Lake Argyle - and the Ord River Dam

This morning we headed out to the Ord River Dam; or as most people would know it as Lake Argyle. It's about 70km by road from Kununurra, and a nice relaxing drive without the van in tow, with sealed roads all the way there and back!

Scarlett and Bec at 'Durack Homestead'

First stop was 'Durack Homestead', which we had in on good authority (.. from Russell - Bec's dad), that this was a must do. 'The Duracks' opened up this part of Australia to the cattle industry. They completed the longest cattle drive ever recorded (at the time) - from Central QLD to the Kimberley. The original homestead was moved when the dam was built in 1972; as it was in the flooding zone. Now the homestead is a Pioneering Museum, with an interesting link to the book "Kings in Grass Castles". This book and others in the series were written by Mary Durack - the great great grand daughter of the original Durack who settled in these parts. Mary is now buried here with the rest of the Durack family. Bec and I found the history and stories very inspirational; but Scarlett found it all to much, and was bored in the first 10 minutes. Luckily she found the resident 'Greater Bower Bird' and it's 'bower' under the hedge at the front of the house, which kept her intrigued during our visit.

Scarlett and Bec enjoying the 'Infinity Pool' - with Lake Argyle in the background

Shane at the bottom of the dam wall - overlooking the Ord River
We then went down to the Lake Argyle Caravan Park to check out, and dip our feet in their 'Infinity Pool'. It has an amazing view overlooking the lake, and the water was cool and refreshing. After a short rest here we were back in the car and off to check out the dam, lake, and the picnic area at the base of the dam wall. As usual Bec was searching for the elusive crocodile, but again it was nowhere to be seen!

On the way back, we stopped into the "Rock-along Gallery", where we checked out some amazing zebra rock creations. I'm sure Bec would of bought a piece or two if it wasn't so damn expensive!

At the base of the dam wall

This afternoon we relaxed back at the van enjoying a Strongbow, while planning the next stage of our trip which sees us cross into the Northern Territory. There is just so much to see and do up here, that I'm not sure we'll have enough time to get through everything! Our next leg will see us visiting Darwin, Kakadu, and Litchfield Parks, before continuing our journey south into the heart of the Australian outback.

Sunset on the ridge behind our caravan with Scarlett riding past on her bike

This afternoon Scarlett found a new friend here at the caravan park, they did craft and played at 'her' van, while Bec and I relaxed back at our own.

This evening I disappeared down to the 'community' TV; that is located outdoors near the camp kitchen, where I watched the slaughter of NSW by QLD in the State Of Origin league game. Bugger! There were about 100 people outdoors enjoying the game - and I can say that some of these grey nomads are very 'passionate' about their State Of Origin teams. I think I had more fun listening to the jeering and abuse that was being thrown around, than the actual game itself.

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