Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 220. Nyngan to Bourke

Chances are... one in a million...

This morning we woke to the most glorious day. The sky was blue, the air warm - but brisk; and we could tell that we were heading back towards what Spring is suppose to be like. We almost felt sad that we were moving on from this little bit of hidden paradise out here in the north west of NSW, but we knew we were heading north to warmer pastures. Before we packed up, I took Scarlett back down to the animals to feed them our apple cores and peels from last night. 'Incy' the miniature Shetland Pony, 'neighed' in approval when the apple cores were offered. Scarlett was in her element, and even more so when she discovered that there were guinea pigs hidden in the aviary that we didn't see yesterday.

We were on the road by 10:30am, and heading north again. This time our destination was Bourke which was only 200km away. 'Bourke' is nestled on the banks of the Darling River, and is infamous for the saying out 'Back of Bourke".

The road trip north was quite uneventful; other than having to dodge the numerous road kills (roo's and goats mainly) and at one stage I actually had to brake and hit the horn to scare off the feral 'nannies and kids' on the road! (If only I had my rifle handy....). The only other thing worth mentioning was almost running out of fuel on the hwy to Bourke! About 30km out of town the fuel light came on - which I guessed would eventually happen - but the road up this way is 'built up' and the shoulders around these parts are quite steep. From the look of other tyres marks left behind, the shoulders were quite soft and I didn't want to risk getting the van bogged. So all I could do was continue along the hwy until something presented itself. Luckily for me, I eventually found a station entrance about 10km up the road and pulled over to put a jerry of diesel in. The ground was still quite boggy - even on the driveway, so I was glad I didn't try to stop earlier or I would of found myself in a lot of hurt.

Our camp spot at "Kidmans Camp'

2.5hrs later we arrived in Bourke and stopped in at the Visitors Centre. I found the people here very friendly and they couldn't do enough to help us out with providing a wealth of information on what there is to see and do in town. One person even disappeared for a minute or two and soon returned with books for Scarlett to read and colour in.

The 1st pool!
We then headed over the Darling River to a great little caravan park in North Bourke called "Kidmans Camp". We found a nice shady grassed site and set up camp. This is the first time since leaving Sydney that we have had to unhook the caravan, as up till now we have always been lucky enough to find drive through sites where we could stay 'hooked up'. Needless to say that as we have been out of practice 'assisting each other' during reversing and setting up - as we have just spent three rest full weeks in Sydney with Wendy and Russell. There was 'tension', and words were said (both ways), but in the end we got it sorted and I happy to announce we are still happily married! This is all part of the adventure, and on occasion we have enjoyed sitting back and watching the frustrations of other 'Grey Nomads' as they try to set up their vans. It was only a matter of time before we became the 'entertainment' for other fellow travellers. Doh!

The 2nd of two pools!
This afternoon, we ran into two 'old friends' we have met on the road before. We first met Con and Marj in Darwin when they had their children and grand children visiting them from Spain. So imagine our surprise when Bec and Scarlett went for a walk around this caravan park and ran into these two wonderful people again! Con and Marj even got Skype up and running to call their grand children; Max, Grace and Olivia. It was a huge suprise for them to see Scarlett again and be able to say G'day, being they have since returned home to Spain on the other side of the world. It was a chance in a million in catching up in the middle of nowhere, and we were thankful we did.

The 'Vegie patch'
 During her walks around the park, Bec (and Scarlett) discovered that 'Kidmans Camp' have their very own vegetable garden that is available for anyone staying to 'help themselves'. Bec grabbed some fresh lettuce, spinach and rhubarb; that I'm sure we'll enjoy in one of Bec's wonderful meals! (Sometimes, I just don't know how lucky I am).

'Yours truley' - spinning a yarn or two before dinner
 This evening we joined other fellow travellers around the campfire, and enjoyed a cooked dinner that was put on by the local community to raise money for the hospital. We had steak, sausages, veg and mash topped with a fantastic gravy. And for dessert was pikelets with jam and cream! Dinner and dessert were accompanied with some 'bush poetry' recited by the locals of Bourke. It was a great night spent around the camp fire enjoying food, drinks and poetry - not to mention the new friends we met!

Scarlett enjoying dinner and some 'Bush Poetry'

Now this is the real Australia we've been missing!
posted by Shane
(I don't have any excuses
- I just logged in under the wrong name).

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