Where are we now?

Where are we now?
Where are we now? Tahmoor, NSW. Updated 7th December 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 303. Grafton to Newcastle

Treated like Royalty....

After a restless night parked up in a truck rest stop, we awoke to grey skies - but at least it was dry. We were lucky in that it didn't rain on us during the night, but the constant noise of air brakes from trucks coming and going certainly made the night far from perfect....

We were on the road once again, and continued driving all day long - tackling road works after road works. The Pacific Hwy is certainly in a state of rebirth. We encountered many new town bypasses that were very pleasant to drive on, but with all the new roadworks it made the going slow.

We almost became a statistic at Nambucca Heads, as a car crepted out onto the hwy in front of us. Bec narrowly avoided T-boning the car using some quick thinking and amazing driving skills. Locking up the Pajero with a 3 ton caravan on the back would scare anyone, but Bec's quick reaction had us veering around the rear of the car (full of kids in the back seat), and living to tell the tale. Somehow Bec did this all one handed, as as soon as I realised we were going to hit the car, I automatically went for the handbrake, but found Bec's left hand instead. So instinctively I grabbed hold and never let go until after the incident! My grip almost ended up cutting into her as her own fingernails were squeezed into her own fingers! Sorry babe... (But great driving!)

Bec stopped off to pick up some fresh fruit at a roadside stall which she got for a bargain, and then made lunch in a non-decrepit rest stop on the side of the road. We then stopped to top up the diesel at Taree, and ended up swapping driving seats.
Jodie and Rebecca

All up it was over 7 hours driving today - mainly because of the constant stopping for roadworks, but we still arrived at our mate Jodie's house (south of Newcastle) at around 4:30pm. She was still at work, but her Aunty Di ended up meeting us at the house and let us in.

As we unpacked our gear from the van, an old ex-navy mate of mine turned up to 'catch up' as we haven't spoken or seen each other in more years than I care to remember! (Facebook can really be useful sometimes). We talked for hours, and before we new it Jo Jo was home laying hugs and kisses on everyone. Even my mate Dave was on the receiving end of one of Jodie's kisses - before quietly making an exit out the front door.
Dave, Jodie, Scarlett and Shane - out the back of Jodie's house

Two perfect Princess's - Jodie and Scarlett
It was great seeing Jo Jo again, and you couldn't separate Scarlett from her - as she had clearly been missed. Jodie had a surprise for us, as she had prepared a meal fit for a King (or Queen). She baked up a beautiful potato bake, and the best fried rice I have experienced for a long time! And to top off the side dishes, was a perfectly cooked scotch fillet steak, covered in a delicious garlic mushroom gravy. Mmm.... Dinner was fantastic, and you treated us like royalty!

Bec, Scarlett and myself had a fantastic time visiting our mate Jodie! Your house is beautiful, and the way you cared for us was truly humbling. Thank you. As usual, you have gone above and beyond....

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